Hong Kong has long been an attractive place for investors. According to the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development’s World Investment Report 2004, it was the second-largest FDI recipient in Asia in 2003, after mainland China.

Host to more than 3600 regional headquarters and regional offices, Hong Kong’s competitive advantages include geographic location; rule of law; free flow of capital, people and information; a level playing field; a cosmopolitan lifestyle; an open, limited and clean government; international business standards and practices; and social and cultural pluralism.

Hong Kong operates as a two-way platform between mainland China and the rest of the world. The Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement (CEPA), a free trade agreement between the Chinese and the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region governments, opens up new opportunities on the mainland. Effective from January 1, 2004, it provides preferential and accelerated market access to key service sectors. As for trade with the mainland, everything made in Hong Kong that meets CEPA’s rules of origin will qualify for zero import tariffs.

Invest Hong Kong is the government department responsible for attracting inward investment, which provides a variety of free services to investors.

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